Sunday, 19 November 2017

Mind/Chitta and it's major four components

Let’s try to understand our Mind or in the Sanskrit language it’s called Chitta. Mind or Chitta have four major constituent parts or we can say it encompasses four main areas, they are Organs, Ahmankara (Ego), Manas (our emotional aspect) and Buddi (decision-making mechanism)
·        Organs: In our body, we have many organs, eye, liver, heart, kidneys, blood, cells etc. Our mind or chitta will not be stable or calm if any one of these organs is not functioning as per their role. For this purpose, regular exercise, yoga, healthy diet, sleep and basic hygienic practices are essential.
·        Ahmankara or Ego: This comes from our attachment to things, object, concepts, and ideas. For example, it’s my family, it’s my car, that project is mine, my job, my cabin in office and so on. In our daily life, there are loads and loads of such attachment we had created. These attachments are not problems in present, at this moment, it’s problem when we extrapolate them on past or in future. We inter-mix them to our future desire or past guilt’s and they started affecting our mind or chitta. So attachment in past or future is a problem and will disturb one’s mind, attachment in present is good and will help you to do ones current tasks efficiently in present.
·        Manas or feelings, emotions: Attachment in past or future creates feelings. Say I am closely attached to my car, if someone says good about it, I am feeling happy or otherwise. So one's attachment to the car could bring strong feelings which will drive one's action and behavior. However, if you use your car in present to go from home to office, or for an outing, and ensure that it’s safe, locked, cleaned and that’s it. Now if anyone talks good or bad about the car, its ok, it’s doing her job and you are fine with it. So no attachment in spite of taking all the steps required to take care of it.
·        Buddi or decision making capability: This makes the decision to act or not, what or how to act, what to do, it also drives your physical body so that one can take action. And it does not know which input factors to use to take the decision, it can use ones feeling or ahmankara or organs input to take decision or action.

Forces are everywhere. Every life and activity is the interplay of various forces. Our thoughts are also forces which get generate thousands in number, mostly unconscious and some conscious one. These thoughts are the forces when get triggered in any of the four components (Budhi, Manas, Ahmankara, Organs, in short, I will call them AB OM) and based on our minds nature and capability of amplification, the thoughts get’s amplified to some form of intensity or it might get discarded. All this amplification and massaging of our thoughts happen in sub-conscious mind, the input to it comes from ABOM components of the mind. So how strong one's attachment is, feelings are or quality of decisions happened, the thoughts frequency and intensity or magnitude will get decided. For example, if a person is a diabetic, so when one by-pass some diabetic clinic, thought got triggered that tomorrow I might get admitted to  hospital, how my family will cope up with that, my finance will get disturbed, who will support me, my sister can help me, but her husband is not good, I told my dad not to marry her to that stupid guy, these government employees are useless, in fact this BJP government does not make sense, I just hate the demonetization, so I should better migrate to the USA and so on. So the chain of thoughts keeps on moving unconsciously while one is driving and it starts impacting our thought process, health, and behavior without we being aware of. Had the person not a diabetic, these chain of thoughts could have been avoided or could have taken different direction. So, how these four components get shaped?

Our experience and surrounding keep on adding the threads and impressions on these major four component of mind. How we have been raised as a child, our primary teachers, our friends, what kind of comfort or troubles we faced during childhood, teen and at a young age, our spouse, job, our daily habits, eating patterns, exposure to media and so on. So by default, these impressions keep on adding to ABOM and we keep on reacting to their nature. So if we desired in childhood that Maruti 800 was my dream car, we feel extremely proud of owning Audi or Hyundai and get attached to the car. Our job or business has given us the car, so we work hard, play politics to protect it and so on, the threads keep on adding. We keep on going thru the cycle of happiness, sadness, frustration, joy, ecstasy, thrill, grief, regrets, and trouble and so on. When the proportion is ok, we survive, however, most of the people get trapped in mental problems, irritating behavior, short temper, unhelpful attitude, health problems, unable to cope with family challenges and so on.

And that’s when the spirituality starts creeping into our life. When ever we pass thru some temple or holy place, we bow our head, we fold our hand and says that “Almight, nothing is in my hand, you are there to take care of me, mine is nothing, everything is yours” and that’s when the peace and blissfulness starts becoming part of one’s life.
May God Bless!

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